Page 7 iGap travelguide 2023
P. 7
iGap Travel Guide
Passport –
Without this you’ll be going nowhere.
Plane tickets –
Without a good friend, a large
empty suitcase and a lot of luck you’ll get no further
than the checking in queue if you forget these.
Visa –
Getting better... this time you can check your
bags, cruise through customs and even board the
plane. When you arrive without it, you’ll be lucky
to catch a glimpse of your destination through the
airport windows as they turn you around and put
you straight back on the plane.
Cash/debit card –
Now you can get to where
you’re going! But how long will you last with just the
money in your back pocket?
Accommodation confirmation –
Maybe not
essential but will make things a lot easier when
you arrive.
Underwear –
Because there are some instances
when going commando just isn’t a good idea.
Socks –
They’ll keep your feet warm and stop
your shoes from rubbing.
PJ’s –
Yeah, I usually sleep nude too, but not
when I’m in a hostel. Don’t be ‘that guy’.
Bathers –
Because you never know when you
need to make a speedy exit from that rock pool.
Other clothes –
Because public nakedness
angers mountains.
Shoes/boots –
Something comfortable for
sightseeing and long distance trekking are
Sandals/flip-flops –
For dossing by the pool or
on the beach.
Passport –
Without this you’ll be going nowhere.
Plane tickets –
Without a good friend, a large
empty suitcase and a lot of luck you’ll get no further
than the checking in queue if you forget these.
Visa –
Getting better... this time you can check your
bags, cruise through customs and even board the
plane. When you arrive without it, you’ll be lucky
to catch a glimpse of your destination through the
airport windows as they turn you around and put
you straight back on the plane.
Cash/debit card –
Now you can get to where
you’re going! But how long will you last with just the
money in your back pocket?
Accommodation confirmation –
Maybe not
essential but will make things a lot easier when
you arrive.
Underwear –
Because there are some instances
when going commando just isn’t a good idea.
Socks –
They’ll keep your feet warm and stop
your shoes from rubbing.
PJ’s –
Yeah, I usually sleep nude too, but not
when I’m in a hostel. Don’t be ‘that guy’.
Bathers –
Because you never know when you
need to make a speedy exit from that rock pool.
Other clothes –
Because public nakedness
angers mountains.
Shoes/boots –
Something comfortable for
sightseeing and long distance trekking are
Sandals/flip-flops –
For dossing by the pool or
on the beach.